Order Automation

Simplify Bill-Only Implant and Consignment Orders

The way hospitals and suppliers manage bill-only implant and consignment orders is broken. GHX can help.
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Managing bill-only implant and consignment orders can be highly complex and error-prone for providers and suppliers alike, encompassing tasks ranging from inventory tracking and billing and coding to manual order entry. GHX can help eliminate these manual steps and enhance cross-functional collaboration between providers and suppliers.

Provider Solutions for Bill-Only Implant and Consignment Order Automation

Value Analysis
Device Standardization

GHX helps manage and document evaluations of implants with access to clinical evidence to inform value analysis discussions with physicians.

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Order Automation
Digitized Documentation

GHX validates, enriches and transforms order and invoice transactions, enabling faster, touchless and more accurate processing through electronic formats.

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Inventory Management
Streamlined Order Entry

Staff scan consignment implants and related supply data electronically into the EHR and ERP, reducing manual entry and helping ensure accuracy.

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Invoice & Payment
Automated Communication

GHX automates order and invoice processing with suppliers for consignment implant order placement, confirmation and invoicing.

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Inventory Management
Real-Time Inventory Tracking

Real-time visibility into implant and related supply availability, pricing and ordering processes helps to streamlines communication with suppliers.

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Data-Driven Insights

GHX analytics generate reports, track trends and reveal insights into purchasing patterns, financial performance and implant utilization.

Supplier Solutions for Bill-Only Implant and Consignment Order Automation

Order Automation
More Touchless Transactions

Increase efficiency and accuracy while improving customer experience. 

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Invoice and Payment
Automated Payments & Accelerated Cash Flow

Digitize invoices and payments for cost-saving efficiency and better cash flow. 

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Intelligent Business Rules
Accurate Order Information

Fast track order processing and head off problems with advanced logic. 

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