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Implant Automation
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Why McLeod Health Chose GHX Marketplace Bill Only to Automate Bill-Only Implant and Consignment Orders

August 21, 2024 8-minute read

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Implant Automation
Digital Transformation
Cloud ERP
Supply Chain Modernization

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Image for Why McLeod Health Chose GHX Marketplace Bill Only to Automate Bill-Only Implant and Consignment Orders
Despite introducing digital technologies and process automation to reduce waste and lower costs while optimizing care delivery, McLeod Health's manual bill-only implant and consignment order processes remained resource-intensive, inefficient and error-prone. After implementing GHX Marketplace Bill Only, they achieved 96% contract compliance rate and 98.8% perfect order rate for these orders. Along with this came a more accurate picture of volume and spend that has helped drive better financial planning and cash control.

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