Supplier Transformation: Innovating to Achieve Contract Price Alignment

May 14, 2024

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Managing pricing in healthcare can often seem like an unsolvable puzzle, but it doesn’t have to. Hear from a leading global supplier and the GHX Consulting team on how they’re tackling issues with the sending and ingestion of the very important, yet very complex, price file. Discover strategies to overcome customer system limitations, enable a better partnership for all customers (GHX or not) and ultimately reduce price exceptions.

  • Stacey Breeden, Strategic Account Director, GHX
  • Robin Curry, Director, Order Excellence, Smith+Nephew
  • Daniel Stehle, Manager Order Automation & Billing, US, Smith+Nephew
  • Darrell Padilla, Director, Consulting Services, GHX
Order Automation
Digital Transformation
Ease of Doing Business

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